About Us
Company Profile
Emmavic Engineering Nig. Ltd. (hereafter referred to as EMMAVIC) is a high profile indigenous private limited company registered as RC 1074501 pursuant to the laws of the Federal Republic of Nigeria to engage in the business of project design, civil, electrical, agriculture, mechanica 1 engineering, construction of roads, buildings, bridges, earthworks and Turnkey Engineering Infrastructures. The company has since inception successfully completed numerous projects in both the private and public sectors of the Nigeria economy. Our affordable engineering services and technical know -how epitomize and dependability as jobs are delivered within specified time frame, which must always be adhered to. Thus, giving a name that is synonymous to consistency.

More so, the need for improving standar d and values in project design, civil -construction and engineering management services in this present generation cannot be overemphasized.
In Nigeria however, the need for regulating and checking of standards and conformity of services had led to the establishment of Health and good hygiene guide and standard regulatory bodies that check mates, sub -standard services and non -conformance.
Hence in light of this, EMMAVIC was established solely among others, targeted at recovering that lost value and ethics in Project design, civil, electrical, mechanical engineering, agricultural engineering, fibre networking and general management practices at large.
Our Leadership Commitment
The leadership team of EMMAVIC is well focused in prompt execution of jobs and quick provision of efficient and optimal services for its valued clients.
Our well mapped-out procedures and strategies for efficient job ecution are backed UR properly guided policies and objectives, which are strictly adhed to.
Also, our leaders hip team is geared towards continual improvem m standard and professional-ethics, values and ethos in engineering serViices. Bringin to play, practicable management and leadership principles.
Our Vision
We are aimed at creating a safe, peaceful and infection -free environment; with high valued standard in improving aesthetic and implementing right company Management, pro-active policies and to be a reference point in turning Engineering Concepts into Reality.
Our Mission
To ensure efficient, optimal and prompt execution of project design, civil, electrical, mechanical engineering, construction of roads, buildings, bridges, earthworks and Turnkey Engineering Services in concurrence with stated policies, strategic objectives and necessary safety requirements and procedures as meets our client's precise prescription.
We have very high technical, practical and professional caliber of personnel. Our consultants are more than seasoned, with years of experiences. Administrative, technical and field staff has not only consumable expertise, but have worked as a team long enough to guarantee fluidity of operation and success.
Corporate Policy And Strategic Objectives
It is the policy of EMMAVIC to carry out its engineering and contracting business in an ethical and socially responsible manner that guarantees efficient, effective, safe, cost-effective and quality provision of good hygiene, Environmental aesthetic and standards, which meets the precise prescription of our client, stakeholders and the host community.
Our strategic objectives include but not limited to the following
- Toensure zero (0) fatality
- Toprovide at all times excellent, quality and acceptable engineering and Environmental safety services to all stakeholders, investors, clients, communities, staff and the general
- To take pro-active measures that brings creative and innovative services to our clients and host communities.
- To ensure strict compliance to environmental sa fety policies and standards during operation.
- To recruit, train and deploy highly specialized skilled and professional personnel that can compete favourably with regards to the present State of the Art Technology in Engineering and Environmental safety ope rations.
- Toensure permanent partial disability (PPD) free

Objectives Implementation
The management of EMMAVIC shall be directly involved in effective implementation of set policies and objectives. These it shall do via;
Our strategic objectives include but not limited to the following
- Communicating Policies and objectives statement to all staff involved at different levels of job operations in a way they will easily understand.
- Mandating all staff working in the establishment to know his/her role in carrying out the policies.
- Renewal of these policies and objectives periodically to ensure continuity and suitability in engineering consultancy and safe environment upkeep.
- Periodic setting of operational goals and targets for performance/evaluation of the staff.
- Application of internal control measures. Strict supervision to ensure compliance standards.
- Documentation of processes activities and results for performance measurement and corrective actions.
EMMAVIC has very handy human and material resources, which exist in form of; infrastructure, working environment, finance, personnel skills, technological know - how, information flow, adequate working capital, establishing quality policy and objectives and tendency to review quality management system.